Should You Get A Credit Card Or Not?

When I was 19 years old, I worked for a few months for a small company in the business sector.
One day, one of my co-workers came up to me and offered me a credit card application form. She walked me through all the steps, telling me how easy it was to “get approved” by the bank. She said even a minimum-wage earner could get approved by this bank, so I would certainly get in, too. I skimmed the brochure she gave me, thanked her, and politely declined. I then watched her go to another co-worker, repeat the same spiel, and actually get that other woman to sign up.
How Much Money Should You Save Each Month?

How much money should you save each month?
This question always comes up when it comes to asking about personal finance. Many people want to know how much money they should be saving each month. And it makes a lot of sense. In order to be able to save money, one should have a plan, and knowing what numbers should be in that plan is important.
But the thing is, it’s impossible to give a quick answer to how much money you should save each month.
How Discipline Can Help You Save Money

More often than not, it’s always the disciplined people who achieve a lot of things.
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and founder of Facebook, always announces his annual New Year’s Resolutions publicly and guess what? He manages to keep his resolutions, every single year.
Sylvia Plath, the award-winning author of the book The Bell Jar, made sure to wake up early every morning before her kids can wake up. She managed to finish all the poems of Ariel just a few months later, by solely writing in the morning.
5 Ways To Be More Frugal Everyday

Are you frugal?
According to a study by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Americans need around $40,000 a year in order to live comfortably. The minimum wage? Roughly $15,000.
In different parts of the world, this is no different.
In South Korea, for example, the average annual expense to live a comfortable life is roughly $16,800. The minimum wage? Around $14,400. A bit better than the US.
In the Philippines, meanwhile, to have a comfortable life as a single person, you have to spend around $9,000 a year. The minimum wage? A pitiful $3,200.”|
It’s getting harder and harder to save money in this high-consumption world, but that’s why it’s more important than ever to be frugal.
Here are some simple tips that can help you be more frugal in your everyday life.